Muse: Misfit
I sat in a corner sipping on a hot silky mocha latte and there he was,
The place was loud and frantic, busy bodies moving in every direction and we still seemed to have locked eyes,
I batted my eye lashes down to his feet and then slowly into my cup,
He wore what seemed to look like extremely long black size thirteen docs,
Leather with a slight platform as if he needed the extra boost he was already standing tall enough to reach the sealing and back,
Just about under 6'3,
I lean my head to the side and began to check his wardrobe as he stood in line waiting for his coffee,
Black pleather jacket, all black attire,
Hooded and bearded with a white stripe directly down his chin like a skunk,
He glanced back at me for a second time this time more stern,
But his eyes gave him away, his body was molded hard but his eyes were still shy,
He looked at me as if I understood the whole misfit coordination he had going on,
Witch I kind of did,
It wasn't a style he chose to fit in, it was a style most of us are born with and if you play close attention you can tell the difference between the two,
I think my century old docs that I love dearly along with a few other things that may have drew him in,
But that wasn't my intention,
It never almost never is,
He begins to move his feet to walk towards me and I quickly bat my eyes down again because I didn't really want to engage in any conversation,
He didn't say anything he just brushed his hand across my shoulder in a quick and friendly manner,
He pushed off a ton of mysterious energy,
Perfect for the cause,
I turned my head to look back and he was gone,
Blended with the rest of the caffeine hungry maniacs,
After a few mins I rose to my feet to bend over to grab my bag a stranger tapped me on the shoulder to ripped a note off of my back and handed it to me,
The note had arrows and street numbers with an end destination with a star,
I had some time to kill and it was the middle of the day what was the worse that could happen,
My lips begin to chappen,
My eyes grew from adrenaline as to what would happen,
If I followed this map,
As I strolled a few blocks I thought to myself, "Instead of stopping at the star I would stop in the opposite direction to make sure I won't be kidnapped" ,
Yet another lofty alley I find myself at the tip of,
I climb the fire escape to see over top of the alley kind of like a major creep,
Once I reached the top of the fire escape I find myself face to face with a woman in a cage on the floor in one of the apartments,
I took a huge breathe because I was in shock as to what I had encountered,
I rattled my pockets to get to my phone to call the cops,
When my phone dropped down the fire escape into the dumpster below,
I didn't make any sudden movements because I didn't want to panic and make a bunch of noise, As I peaked my head up to see inside the window there was the size thirteen docs,
A few pair actually all different sizes,
The woman didn't look as if she was in any pain or fear,
So I crouched down to sit a while,
The cage was tiny like for a small dog,
The bars were rusted as if it was rotting in a basement for god knows how long,
She leaned cramped over with her head towards her knees,
And wore a collar that was black with gold spikes,
The longer I sat the more it started to look like some type of party or gathering,
Where there was endless leather strings waving in the air back and forth,
There was people being hung from the ceiling like some type of sexual experiment,
There was rope dangling from bodies that wore smiles,
The misfit opened the cage closest to the window and grabbed her by the neck and forced her to drink out of a dog bowl,
A cute dog bowl in fact it almost looked as if it had her name written across the front,
Instead of me joining the party in witch I was invited to I finished watching from the fire escape like a creep,
Some of the things that was going on at this gathering sent a particular tingle to my pants,
I reached down to find a pool of wetness,
I put my finger tips in my mouth to taste what I had brought with me to the party,
Only no one was getting any of this punch,
This party or whatever had me feeling a little frisky,
So....I began to masturbate silently and carefully not to shake the fire escape, With no care in the world who else was watching from their rooms,
Who could have caught me from down below on the street,
As I glance up there was a woman staring directly at me giggling with a few friends,
She walks over to open the window and puts he hand out to let me in,
I take her hand with my dry one and climb through the window,
Red and embarrassed I walk really fast towards the door with my head down,
Oh gosh...oh gosh...oh gosh,
And there he was standing in front of the door,
He eased my chin up and said, "come back soon"....
I reached for the door handle and got out of there,
As if I wasn't high enough I actually thought about returning to the fire escape...
