Contemporary Fixations

Meet the Artist
Hello my family and friends welcome to The Reebecca Black experience where you can find just about anything from kinky blogs, Abstract Art, Featured Artists, Upcoming Events and more. A little about me I never went to any fancy school for Artistry I went to Community College of Philadelphia, majoring in Criminal Justice. Each experience of Art that I created I learned how to do on my own or with a little help from books. I am the middle child I have one younger brother and one older sister, and they have blessed me with five nieces and nephews and counting. I love the outdoors, hiking, camping, kayaking or even just long walks in the park. Just about anything that has to do with being in nature. Nature taught me a lot about myself, how to be soft with myself and others, how to care for my environment and peers, and how to be a better version of myself.
Poetry. I started writing dark poetry in high school, mainly about mixed feelings on how I see the world and growing up as a black queer teenager trying to find myself. As I got older, I kept on writing poetry until one day I wanted to try something new. I was inspired by Author Chuck Palahniuk with his fight club theory. This is where I first came across the definition of transgressional fiction. I became obsessed; I wanted in! So I started my journey writing Coffee House Confessions in 2018. What is CHC? The name came about simply for my love for coffee. I would spend hours and days at the corner of 21st and Pennsylvania Ave where it used to be a cafe at the bottom of the Whole Foods market. I loved all the local coffee shops but this is where it all began. Something about staring at the clouds out of these floor-to-ceiling windows had my imagination creating endless possibilities. I created CHC with the idea of making a twilight zone line of events that all take place inside a coffee shop. For those who don't know what The Twilight Zone is please look up Rod Serling, you'll thank me later.
Each Sunday morning I would attend different coffee shops all over the city to find a new muse for each blog. This is how I create each story detail so wildly different. I never ran into the same person twice. I take small details of each person, from the color of their eyes down to what color socks they had on that day. I would transgress their "normal" lives from there into a kinky, shady, gory, and sexy coffee shop visit. It also helped that I had six years of experience with BDSM from my personal lifestyle at the time. I came up with the blog by taking a small piece from each of these different ideas and life experiences. The blogs are now up to five seasons and counting! So make sure you check those out.
Painting. I got into Artistry shortly after in 2019. I was inspired by a piece I found in the trash sitting outside of my Spring Garden apartment. It had spent days on the sidewalk, breaking through rain, sleet, and winter weather, and I still managed to see its beauty. One day I decided to pick it up and bring it home. It was the first and only piece of Art that I had owned at the time. That's where it began for me knowing right then and there that beauty in Art is limitless. How I still managed to see the potential in what someone else thought was trash, with very little to no knowledge of how Art works nor its history. That day I picked up my own paintbrush and haven't put it down since, so sorry if I break the rules that's kind of my thing.
About a year after, during the pandemic I came across compounds that gave my life and my Art some concrete meaning. I started using mixed media that included raw dirt from the ground. While during this pandemic I started to explore nature more, connecting closely to trees, rivers, and meditation and yoga in the wild. That is where I came up with the idea of using dirt in my Artwork. I started to put together my own mixture with the use of dirt, combining different household, mediums to keep the dirt in place once it dries. After months of trial and error in mixing compounds, I finally got the perfect 2D-3D medium to tie in my love for Abstract and Contemporary Art. I wanted to bring my love for Art and Nature into one place called home.
Clay. In May of 2021, I started working with clay, making Afrocentric Masks. These masks I'd like to think made their way through my fingertips on their own. I never took a class or even watched a youtube channel on how clay works. I just knew there was a difference between air-dry clay and clay you had to bake. With this clay, my fingers started forming noses first, then eyes, then mouths, and so on.
My masks have their own Series called the "Unseen." What this name meant for me started out very political. People of color in America are present but never actually being seen for the greatness, amazing talents, and overall powerful movement and effect we have in this world. Then it started moving and creating more tribal-like features, like gauged lips and ears, piercings, and tribal markings combining the two concepts. Each mask is made once with no duplication, making them so special and unique. You can check out in my online store and at local events.
Giving Back. In the same year I started two charity events that are non-profited. Elf's on Wheels and Burlesque Charity. These events started with the money I was making from my Art proceeds, with the help of my community and with the money I was making from my nine to five. As a teenager growing up I know what it's like to not know when or if you were going to eat the next day. Yes my family always has provided me with the tools I needed to push through, but we weren't rich. A single family household with mostly women.
Hard working, Great, Fearless and Brave women who raised me to be the woman I am today. So today I give back to my community when the higher ups allow me to twice a year once in the winter (December) and once in the spring (June-Aug). Me and a team we pack food, feminine hygiene products, clothes, shoes, toys, gifts for the homeless and for the people of the community and hit the streets of Philadelphia. We are always looking for donations so please email me with any questions.
My vision is to grab your undivided attention by pushing nature back into the picture to the forefront so we have a better value of how we see the world and treat our planet as a high priority. Creating movement and freedom and releasing our journey of perfections as we grow as one. Most of the dirt I use comes from local hikes, community gardens and local neighborhoods. Recycling those proceeds by donating and supporting local Artists and Authors in my community.
Quotes I hold dear to me.
"Success lives through a movement" -Mom
"You can't use up creativity, the more you use the more you have" -Maya Angelou

Elf's on Wheels
Elf’s on Wheels Non-Profit Organization Association
Executive Summary: My mission is to help feed as many homeless or less fortunate people across the Philadelphia region. Utilizing the community refrigerators as one source to get to the people in the surrounding community. My love for people is my main reason for wanting to offer my services. Giving back to people who don’t have many options as far as food desserts, low income, and jobless altogether. The unemployment rate rose 5.1% in 2024 that’s almost 39,122 people without income. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer homelessness went up by 10% in the last year that’s estimating 5,600 people. Hunger should be the last thing a child, a mother or father should have to worry about when your conducting day to day life. I also provide essentials when we get enough donations. This includes soap, wash cloths, pads, sanitary wipes, deodorant, socks and more.
Products, Services and Programs: I offer a service that sticks to one of the main issues in America which caters to world hunger, but community based.
Community Impact: Offering food to my surrounding communities will hopefully set some families at ease. One meal a day can go along way if you haven’t eaten in days. The homemade stews I create in the winter are made with fresh farm raised products. The sandwiches I make in the spring/summer are very light, healthy and most people’s childhood favorite.
Market Analysis: A gap I notice happening between farmers, markets and food banks is that a lot of people either can’t make it to these locations whether they are disabled, low income, or afraid to be seen. Community refrigerators are more local, easy to gain access, neighbor based, clean, and discreet. Based on private analysis some main corporations are not as welcoming, make some people feel less than, and even setting limits, which can be hurtful for some parents or guardians who have household of three children or more.
Organizational Structure and Staffing: Elf’s on Wheels is a volunteer based gathering I’d like to call it. Donating your time is a huge part of the process. For instance, there’s market runs, scheduled farmers market runs, scheduled pickups, meal prepping, packaging and drops offs and or disbursement. We are also looking for weekly email ads personnel, vetting volunteers, essentials pickups (includes containers, lids, gloves, aprons, hair nets, ect), campaigning, and more.
Marketing Plan: My new plan is to get local markets, local farmers, corporate sponsorships, upper class investors, and political parties involved for future EOW cycles to be able to provide more often.