Muse: Homeless and Brave
He walked around and begged everyone for a hot coffee,
Please buy me a very expensive coffee,
I'm homeless but I still have taste,
Before the coffee maid could figure out what he was doing, the janitor lead him to the back of the coffee house, He lured him with a smile and innocence,
Please sir right this way,
I can help you strengthen your begging,
He was wearing hipster clothes and showed a dragon tattoo on his lower arm,
He wore a black knitted hat and brown distressed boots,
He led him to the back and made a left towards the basement door,
I seemed to be the only one who noticed this action everyone else stared blankly into a computerized abyss,
Trapped in what could be a new dimension of immortality,
An imaginary world where all our thoughts and dreams come to light,
But i'm sure it was dark in this basement,
My eyes grew bigger and followed where could be be taking this guy,
If he wanted him to leave why didn't he show him to the front door,
As I reached the top of the staircase I couldn't see a thing,
Everything was pitch black,
Where did he take this guy?..
The top cracked as I slowly pressed down on the wood so I frighteningly jumped back,
I slowly slid down the railing until I reached the bottom of the staircase,
I shinned my cell phones light against the floor to see where I was going,
The walls where covered in what looked like black tar,
The floor was smooth cement,
And of course there was another door,
In all the horror movies Iv'e seen over the years the one thing I learned not to do was open the rusted door in the basement,
But I had come too far already,
I quickly opened the door to get it over with,
And there they were,
The janitor was getting a kinky blowjob from the homeless guy,
But not your ordinary blowjob,
The homeless guy was chained to the wall,
He had a hook in his ass pulling it towards the ceiling,
That had to be the fastest undressing I had ever witnessed,
I asked the guy if he wanted help, He yelled NO! I need this,
I need organic coffee,
I need to beg for my asshole to be stretched,
I asked for a fist but instead I got this,
All I could do was stare at the blood on the floor dripping from his rear,
The janitor never stopped his motion,
He didn't even acknowledge that I was standing in the door way,
Or that the homeless guy had stopped to throw his words at me,
He stood in the same position in an abyss,
Trapped in what could be a new dimension of immortality,
An imaginary world where all our thoughts and dreams come to light,
I'm sure it was dark in this basement,
But his mind had to be a black hole of new level perverseness I had never seen before,
I didn't want to be next so I closed the door and headed back upstairs,
I went back to my table and finished my coffee,
It was too black for me at this time in my life so I poured a shit load of creamer to bring some kind of light after what I had witnessed...
