And all of a sudden,
Everything stops,
She takes a deep breath as if she was holding it for some time now,
Her ribs stretching in release of a ice berg tipping,
Her lungs were strong enough to hold in a echoing avalanche,
She reached for the tall glass of water and drowns it in three gulps,
Throat grooving in pulses,
Heart racing with adrenaline pumping through her vaginal tunnel strange enough
She rips her computer off the table and runs for the door,
She must have just stared edging this morning,
I thought I saw a tear leave the corner of her eye,
I still remember my first time,
A stressful evening it had caused,
Masturbating with pauses,
Holding back from the exact release that got you started,
Awaiting for your body to tell you when,
All hail the stranger who let you in,
A secret society of people living on the edge,
Whats the longest time have you edged?
I scan the corner of my daydream to seek the red timer I had placed on my night stand,
All of a sudden I hear a loud boom,
Everyone in the coffee shop turns blue,
The woman in blue got struck by a car,
Laying in the middle of the street with her eyes clouded gray,
One of her legs had been bent into the shape of an L,
You can see her vibrating panties where still buzzing,
The coffee waiter couldn't turn off the switch,
His remote had jammed,
Or the batteries had crammed decaying life,
She couldn't take the pressure,
It was driving her mind and body into fake reality of where to find the crescent,
Not knowing it was in plane view,
Her stop watch had an end for her and this was the last time she would see the daytime moon,
The coffee waiter went into a frantic panic,
Pulling his hair and pacing the floor,
No one could figure out that was his edging whore,
So he ran for the back door....
