Sitting sweating profusely,
Glasses foggy like a steamed room on a rainy day,
She flicks her hair over and over instead of putting it in a ponytail to uncover her eyes,
Typing twenty words per minute,
Have to get her paper done by noon is the deadline,
Her fingers at it so fast you would have thought they intertwined a couple times,
Finally smoke arose from her keyboard and she leaned back in her chair,
Electricity fell between the laptop and the legs of the coffee table,
As if all of her has been summed up in a two minute poem,
Her head leans back slowly and sensually,
She grabs her hair and tugs it a little,
Stretching and breathing heavily,
You can see her rib cage pushing through her chest,
Her tail lights shine through her thin vest,
Nipples harder than icicles,
I peak between her legs to see a wet trickle,
Something is turning her on,
I gaze a little closer and see a little blue glow,
I wiped my glasses clean to ensure that what I have seen is the bottom of her seat,
Rocking her hips back and forth,
Whatever class she was taking I want in,
I glance over at the coffee waiter to see it was he holding the remote to control her hormones,
She was getting to the point where she could not control her posture,
Both ends of her lips pressing as she sat and learned a new lesson,
Disobeying me will get you nowhere but stressing,
One moan will get us both caught,
And me fired,
So park your lips and continue to grow your desire, Her face turns red then blue,
The table begins shaking,
Water and coffee spilling all over the refurbished wood,
Her feet sunken into the floor molded with the concrete,
And all of a sudden,
Everything stops,
She takes a deep breath and of she was holding it for some time now,
She reached for the tall glass of water and drowns it in three gulps,
She rips her computer off the table and runs for the door, She must have just stared edging this morning,
I thought I saw a tear leave the corner of her eye,
I still remember my first time...
