Riding on the back of his motorcycle makes me feel at home,
Swaying through traffic so effortlessly with the wind sending my hair in an uprising,
I feel like loose paper bags drifting in the wind,
Like a tide leaving the beach after it's already crashed into the sand,
I lean forward and hum his favorite song into his ear,
Very lightly and soothingly like if it were bees in a near by tree,
I can see him smiling in his rear view mirror,
Love is what the song is called,
With matching Davidson's and matte black souls we drift into the sunset every night,
Waiting for the bats to carry us home,
Home is where I taught him how to release his demons into our playground where we sometimes visit to see how far we have come,
Home is where he told me about his kinky fetishes,
I gathered around his ankles as if it was story time,
I always love to hear his experiences and he loves expressing them,
Some make me a bit hot and bothered at that point I begin to rub my hand up his leg,
Begging for a recreation of our own story we gather together our silky bones and head for our bedroom of doom,
Deemed for an substantial amount of love and pain we roll our eyes until we can't no longer,
Burning scratches in the shower have become my normal it always sends me into a wave of reminiscence of the night before,
I can feel him when i'm at the market,
I can feel him when i'm at work,
I can feel him biting my skin cells into his belly,
Sometimes I stare at him creepily as he sleeps at night wondering whats going on in that brain of his,
If he's dreaming of me I always wonder,
My nipples arise each morning hard and kitten wet with dreams of endless vacationing inside of my holes,
I grab my warm cup of coffee and begin to paint a picture of him on my wall,
Did I mention he's my neighbor and we have never spoken at all?
Our windows are directly across from each other and I swear he walks around half naked on purpose,
It's almost like he is screaming for me to come over,
Seduce him in his layer and live happily ever after,
Instead I hang back and sip my coffee naked and brave staring directly out my window like a creep machine...
